
A book Yeguada latinoamericana

Hello everyone, today I will tell you about one of my favorite books, which is the archive of "YEGUADA LATINOAMERICANA" , which is a publication that reviews five years of activity of this performance and research project, which has included the realization of various interventions in public space.  The author of the book is Cheril Linett, she studied Theater at the Humanimo Cristiano University of Santiago de Chile and currently stands out for being a stage director and creator of performances and is the one who creates each of the performances developed in the book archive. This book is from the Trio Ediciones publishing house and was released in 2021 and made in Valparaíso Chile. I learned about this publication through my teaching assistant from the previous semester who lent me the book and we discussed the importance of the interventions carried out to understand transfeminized visuality in public space from performance. I like this book because it not only tells us abo

My first experience in a festival

Hello everyone, today I will talk about my first festival in which I have participated as a spectator. I remember that at the beginning of 2017, to commemorate Women's Day, I invited my favorite aunt named Elsa to the Ruidosa Fest, a feminist festival that values ​​Chilean artists and projects led by women. That was what caught my attention, since I had never been to a meeting of this magnitude. This activity was carried out on March 9 and 11 at Matucana 100. Investigating the background of this festival and its creator, I can tell you that Francisca Valenzuela leads the management of this activity and in the 2017 version I include concerts, conversation panels, workshops, performances, among other activities. The artists who participated this year were Nicole, Mariel Mariel, Carolina Nissen, Mamma Soul, Playa Gótica, MKRNI, Tomasa del Real, Yorka, Dania Neko, Chini y los Técnicos, Entrópica and Dadalú, as well as Francisca Valenzuela. This activity had a value of $3,000 for studen