My first experience in a festival

Hello everyone, today I will talk about my first festival in which I have participated as a spectator.

I remember that at the beginning of 2017, to commemorate Women's Day, I invited my favorite aunt named Elsa to the Ruidosa Fest, a feminist festival that values ​​Chilean artists and projects led by women. That was what caught my attention, since I had never been to a meeting of this magnitude. This activity was carried out on March 9 and 11 at Matucana 100.

Investigating the background of this festival and its creator, I can tell you that Francisca Valenzuela leads the management of this activity and in the 2017 version I include concerts, conversation panels, workshops, performances, among other activities. The artists who participated this year were Nicole, Mariel Mariel, Carolina Nissen, Mamma Soul, Playa Gótica, MKRNI, Tomasa del Real, Yorka, Dania Neko, Chini y los Técnicos, Entrópica and Dadalú, as well as Francisca Valenzuela.

This activity had a value of $3,000 for students and $5,000 for the general public (children under 10 are free). Tickets are already on sale and can be purchased through the official M100 website or at the box office of the venue itself.

I loved participating in this activity, it empowered me and taught me that we can all live art in all its magnitudes and despite how complex it is for women and dissidents of the lgbt community in support and together immense things can be achieved.


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